Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weird Stories

I love (and hate) frightening thoughts. Sometimes when I'm alone I ponder all sorts of strange concepts in an effort to make me appreciate how good my actual life really is. I imagine worst-case scenarios that I would never want to play a part in. One day it occurred to me that I should share some of these awful imagined predicaments with everybody else. I mean, what is the point in keeping them to myself? The result is my first published short story collection, WEIRD STORIES VOLUME ONE. It was recently published on Amazon for Kindle just in time for Halloween.

Here's the description for the collection:

Take a trip into macabre and bizarre dark worlds with WEIRD STORIES VOLUME ONE. Three short stories sure to boggle your mind, curdle your blood and raise goose pimples on your flesh are included.

In WISHFUL THINKERS, a brain transplantation experiment takes a dark twist into terror. In DELAYED EXISTENCE, a super villain employs a sinister method to prevent any super heroes from attempting to thwart his criminal escapades. Finally, in HELL HOLE, the soul of an evil man in Satan's domain attempts to bust out with the help of a mysterious stranger.

And here's a link to it: http://www.amazon.com/Weird-Stories-Volume-One-ebook/dp/B005QAO32U/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1318920434&sr=1-1

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